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Capacity Building (Training)


Is an ongoing process through which individuals, groups, organizations and societies enhance their ability to identify and meet development challenges that are inherent in our society and economies.

It encompasses human, scientific, technological, organizational, institutional and resource capabilities.

From Concept to Reality

Strategic planning is a core function of management.  Plans are drawn up. Resources have to been deployed to achieve this wonderful plan on paper.  After the plan on paper, what next? At Eldad Consulting, we facilitate your concept becoming reality. This is called execution.


Our packages include:

  1. Filling the Execution Gap.
  2. People Matter – Commitment to Employees.
  3. What is Strategic Execution?
  4. Making Strategy a Reality.
  5. From Conception to Birth.
  6. Keys to Good Execution.


Customer Service

The customer is the source of life for any business or company. Therefore, it is everybody’s responsibility from the Security Man to the Chief Executive Officer. On paper and with our words we esteem customers as the reason for our business or endeavour but many at times in our deeds, we do not pass that information to the customer. We must “walk the talk”. Every time a customer comes in contact with your business, you either add or take away from that relationship.

Our focus at Eldad is to “Make Customer Service a Way of Life”.



Our packages include:

  1. Service Essentials – Why Customer Service is a Must.
  2. Customer Service As a Way of Life.
  3. Rules of Good Customer Service.
  4. Everyone is a Customer Service Officer